Unlocking the Secrets of Your Family Tree - Tina Beaird: Description TBA.
AI & Genealogy: The Evolving Role of Artificial Intelligence in Genealogy - Eric Vavra: AI became a trendy buzzword that caught the attention of many in late 2022, but AI has been used by genealogy companies for years. The important and ongoing rapid change is the rollout of numerous useful AI tools for genealogists to directly use to enhance their research experience and improve results. This presentation will provide an overview of the latest genealogy specific AI offerings, as well as general AI tools that can be leveraged for genealogy. Also discussed will be practical usage considerations and current limitations along with the expected evolution of capabilities in the near future.
Finding Your European Roots - Caron Brennan: If you are ready to "cross the pond" in your research, this presentation will provide ideas of where to find records for European ancestors. Includes the well-known sites like FamilySearch and Find My Past, and also lesser-known sites.
Genealogy Methodology and Research - Caron Brennan: Description TBA.
Finding my Biological Father: a DNA and Genealogy Case Study - Steve Szabados: My DNA results did not match the paper trail and eventually proved that my mother took a secret to her grave. My biological father was not the father I grew with and no one was alive that could tell me who? I solved the mystery and now have another family tree with its share of new family stories. Join me as I describe how I used DNA and traditional genealogy tools to find my new family. How would you react if you found you had a secret family?
Probing for Probate: Researching in the Probate Court - Laura Chaplin: In this presentation we zero in on the Probate Court for a more in-depth look at the rich detail to be found in: Wills, Administration records, Inventories, and much more. If you haven't yet dug into your ancestral probate files you’re likely missing out!
DNA Simplified - Steve Szabados: DNA testing has become a popular topic among professional genealogists and everyday family researchers. This program will discuss the different DNA tests and the reasons to take each type. It will also compare the major testing companies. DNA can be a powerful genealogical tool. Learn to use your genealogy skills to unravel the mysteries of your DNA results. A scientific degree is not required.
Pins and Needles: Adding Social Media to Your Genealogy Repertoire - Tina Beaird: Many of us have used Facebook to find distant cousins and former high school friends. When it comes to Genealogy, lots of social media sites are popping up to help make searching for ancestors fun. Join us for a fun session on using sites like Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram and more to find, identify, and share ancestors.
Immigration and Emigration - Jenny Warner: Attendees will learn what is immigration and emigration. They will also learn about the different kinds of records and how to locate them.
Collateral & Cluster People - Laura Chaplin: What do these two interrelated terms mean? How can learning about this type of search help you unpuzzle your ancestors' stories? Understanding and utilizing this "backdoor" approach can help break down brick walls. Come explore these fascinating and rewarding techniques.
We're All Related! Searching for our Most Recent Common Ancestor - Michelle Wilson: Are you descended from Charlemagne? The answer may surprise you! This captivating talk explores research into the relatedness of all humans. We will discuss mitochondrial Eve (including a simulation), Y-Adam, the Most Recent Common Ancestor, and the Identical Ancestors Point. We will examine the groundbreaking modeling by Rohde, Olson and Chang done in 2004, and investigate how the 2013 DNA studies on Europeans by Ralph and Coop lines up with the earlier simulation work, and wrap up with a look into the French-Canadian population, to see how the science shakes out in the real world.
Exploring Land Records - Jenny Warner: Attendees will learn about what land records are, what you can learn from land records and why they are important to your research.